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Hi! This looks really interesting. I have a few questions.

- Could I confirm whether A is considered higher in rank than JQK?

- Re: the winning condition "To escape, the Swords must make it through all three Gatekeepers.", if playing with three or more players, do all the Swords have to get through all three Gatekeepers?

- Can Parry powers like Playful Parry be used on other Swords and then can the information gleaned be shared? (e.g., perhaps you don't have any more facedown cards but you want to help out another Sword so they can know the position of one of their facedown cards)

Hi thanks for checking it out!

- Yes, I'm considering A higher ranks than JQK.

- Ooh yeah this is unclear, I intend it to be all Swords need to make it through, but haven't really made clear how or what happens to make a Sword unable to continue

- Yes, the intention is for it to be co-operative, so you can use powers to help each other out.

Gave this a try, playing as the Fortress! I found that keeping information hidden from yourself was an interesting texture and puzzle to figure out, but the Swords' various "move or shuffle and replace" effects felt superfluous. I didn't have any effects where the specific positions of their cards would be helpful to know, only the distributions of their revealed or hidden values.

Also: Is there a distinction between Fortress cards that "remain face up" vs "are discarded?"

Wow, thanks for trying it out! Yeah I need to actually playtest it a bit and work out what effects actually make sense for the Sword parries. Ideally, I'd like to get to a point where each sword suit has their own distinct set of parries and styles of play.

In terms of face-up vs discarded, the main distinction is that you need to discard the Royals to defeat them. However, you might end up in a situation where you can't match their suit and have to leave them face up and either use an Ace on them or rely on another player of the right suit to do so (though I realise if they are face up, that means you can't Parry them, so you'd be relying on an Ace anyways. Something to fix.)